Membership Application
Fiscal Year _ 2023___
I/We hereby apply for membership in the Arizona Morgan Horse Association and agree to abide by its By-Laws, rules and regulations.
Family Membership
Single Membership
_____Junior Membership $15.00
Birth date ______mo/day/yr
Membership Fees are due January 1st of each year. As of July 1st each year, New Memberships are $12.50
Please list all names in for Membership:
Child #1

Last, First
Adult #2
Child #2

Last, First
Adult #3
Child #3
Last, First
Address: ____________________________________
City, State, Zip: ______________________________
Phone Number: ______________________________
Email: _____________________________________
I/We would be interested in the following activities:
Clinics: _____________
Socials: ______________
Youth: ___________
Trail Rides: __________
I/We would be interested in supporting AzMHA as:
Committee Member______ Volunteer______
AzMHA would like to know more about your activities and interests in planning future membership directories, events and activities. Please fill out the following:
We offer: Stallion Service ______
Training ______ Stock for Sale ______
Lessons ______ Boarding _______
We do the following:
Competitive Trail _____ Class A Shows ______
Mini Circuit Shows _____
Carriage Driving______ Dressage _______
Hunter/Jumper ______
Stock Horse _________
Please make your Check payable to Arizona Morgan Horse Association, Inc. Mail completed form with payment to:
Arizona Morgan Horse Association, Inc.
C/O Shirley Henry-Biszantz,
Treasurer 31616 N. 144th Street Scottsdale, AZ 85262